My first fursuit project,1
I decided that the easy way to make a head was to simply carve it out of foam.  Here are pictures showing my carving the head out of foam.  I added stainless steel welding filler rod down the sides of the upper and lower jaws to give it stiffness and also to see if I could make the jaw articulated.  I learned that the main part of the head needs to be fastened down securely to make that work!  One of those improvements for the future.

It all starts with some blocks of foam.

Here are the smaller pieces that I put at the top of the head.

Notice that the hole for the head is cut out before gluing them together.

OK, this has kind of a tech monster look to it, initial shaping on the head has started.

Now to carve the nose, being a fox, it should narrow down in the snout.

Still more carving.

Here I have slit the mouth open, you can see how I have carved out the inside of the mouth cavity.

First cut at the eyes.  I put the head on and using a felt marker, marked the position and then cut small holes.

I started referring to this as the "rat skull" phase of the project.

Or from a different angle, a bird perhaps?

Yet another view.

Here I have shoved a piece of stainless steel welding rod down the length of the upper jaw and bent it upwards to where the jaw should pivot.

Once it was in place, I shoved it down into the foam and it doesn't show at all.

Here the pieces down opposite sides are bent around the front.  I snipped them to length and then taped them together.

Here the upper and lower jaw wires have been coupled together to form a crude hinge.  The head was a bit too loose for this idea to work.

Looking birdlike.....

Here I have shaped a piece of foam board that will become an ear pattern to fit the curve of the head.

Now I free-hand drew on an ear.

and now checking the fit of the ear.  I then traced this pattern onto two piece of "hobby foam", 1/8" thick.

Here is how I got the ears to curve.  I applied contact cement to the back of the piece with the pattern, and the front of a blank piece.  Then I curve the blank piece around a pitcher and glued the pattern piece on while it was bent.

Here are the ear pieces after gluing.  Remember when you trace your patterns to do one side and then flip the pattern over for the other side!

And now they have been cut out to the pattern.

Here is a trial fit of the ears on the head.

BTW, all shaping was done using a double blades electric kitchen knife.

Here I am using it to bevel the back edges of the ears.

I think it is actually starting to look a little .... foxy?

Next comes covering the head with fur!
First fursuit project, page 2, covering the head

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