For Anthrocon in 2005, I decided that I would try my hand at making a fursuit. I decided on a female fox, and to make it black with a white belly.... hey, why not! The end result is not immediately identifiable as female, the breasts are a bit too small, but I plan to do more work on her in that area. For simplicity in getting in and out of the suit, I decided that instead of putting a zipper down the back, I would put a zipper down each side of the front between the white belly panel and the black of the rest of the suit. This also had the advantage that I could later make a different front for the suit if I wanted the character to be male, hey, that's a handy feature! Or I could even zip in a black panel to have an all black fox body, although the head, feet and hands would need to be changed as well. I extended the belly panel all the way into the crotch and left an opening there about four inches wide between the zipper ends. This was wide enough that during the fursuit dance I was able to stand spread eagle in front of one of the large fans and get some air into the suit. I will point out that I was wearing something under the suit! The end result was not perfect, I already know some improvements that I intend to make, but the reactions that I got at Anthrocon showed that the effort was definitely appreciated, I got numerous compliments. So how long did this project take? Not long at all, I started on it less than two weeks before Anthrocon and it took only six days to do it. So for those of you who just can't figure on doing something like this yourself, go for it! I tried and it came out OK. So, now for some pictures to show how it was done.....
First fursuit project, page 1, carving the head
First fursuit project, page 2, covering the head
First fursuit project, page 3, making the body